Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Swagbucks Guide

Swagbucks is an easy way to earn rewards such as the 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 dollar paypal cards
which you can use to buy FB credits and in turn shiny.

After you sign up things might look a little confusing but I will explain it all in this guide.
You can sign up HERE

Guide contents
Daily Deals
Daily polls
NOSO (No Obligation Special Offers)
Special Offers
Swagbucks TV
Trade in
Trusted Surveys
Swag Codes
Collector Bills
Birthday bucks
Swagbucks mail

The homepage is where you will start off after signing up.
This is your first day so don't be discouraged about how much you earn your first day.
My first day I only earned 75.

This is what the homepage looks like.

Sometimes on the homepage you will see videos you can watch to earn 1 or 2 swagbucks for each video. It will be one of the news feed cards.

For the 1 swagbucks ones you can initiate the video and then close it out and you will earn the swag buck without having to watch the video. If you do not see another video take it's place, try refreshing the page and sometimes another one will show up.

For the 2 swag bucks one, while you don't have to watch the video, you do have to let it play all the way through till it says "Thanks for watching".
When you finish watching the video, the card will disappear but you can refresh the page over and over again to watch a few videos before it disappears for good for that day.

There is usually a card on the homepage for a 60 SB survey while you can do it if you want to, it can take up to a week for it to credit and you can only do it once a day.


You will get 1 swagbuck per day just for having the toolbar.
The toolbar also makes it so you can navigate to swagbucks easily and makes is so you don't have to bookmark the sight.

There are rumored problems with it such as making the browser crash from time to time, but I haven't had any problems with it. If you do you can install it and un-equip it and equip it each day as needed.


If you have a printer you can use their coupons at stores to earn swagbucks.
Amount earned varies per coupon and they can take a while to credit.
Haven't tried this one myself.
Coupons can be used pretty much anywhere and they have a huge variety.

Daily Deals

Daily deals is where you can buy stuff to earn SB's.
If you were already planning on buying it then may as well make some swag in the deal.

Daily polls

Answer anything earn 1 SB. You can do it once a day.


Games aren't the best way to earn SB's but they are fun and good if your out of other ways to earn.
To earn you play a game 2 times and submit your score both times and in most games made it past level 4, it will credit you 2 swagbucks.
Crazy Taxi is my favorite game and it is easy to make it to level 4.

NOSO (No Obligation Special Offers)
NOSO is an easy 2 SB's per day. Just start it and hit skip, see next offer and no thanks a few times and enter the captcha and done.

Search is easy sometimes and hard other tmes.
Just search until you win and wait a few hours and do it again.
Sometimes you will win on your first search some times your 50th of the day.
Amount you win can range greatly from as low as 7 to as high as 1000, although the highest I've won is 15 or so.
You can typically win 2-4 times in a day.
Don't excessively search all day or it can get you a few hour wait before you can search again or banned.

Special Offers

Some Special Offers are easy and some don't credit.
Some credit multiple times per day and some only once ever.

First up is Ad Rewards. You answer a short 3 or 4 question survey and then get a page of 1 to 10 videos.
You watch the videos and enter the 2 numbers they display in the video at the end of the video.

Some videos you just hit continue and then receive reward at the end of the video.
Videos are typically worth 1 SB and are about 30 seconds long.

Second is trialpay. The only thing I look for in trialpay is Lab 42 survey.
When they have a survey it is a really easy 45 swagbucks.
There is also ampario and simplisio surveys, both are a little more difficult to qualify for but I try them occasionally because they pay good.
All three are only able to be done once a day.
You can try other offers on here as well they are pretty reliable with pay out.

Third is RadiumOne. RO is pretty reliable when it comes to paying out the SB's.
There is one offer with a pic of a laptop with a greenish colored background for 1 swagbuck that can be done over and over until it says no.
You just click the offer and refresh your points till you see that it has paid you then close it
and open it again. I've gotten it to credit me up to 20 times.

Next is PaymentWall. PaymentWall is decent with payout. All I got to say about this one is
it is survey central. There are always surveys here and they actually tell you the topic that they are going to be on so you have less of a chance of getting DQ'ed.

Next is Super rewards. All I can say is don't waste your time. They never pay without a email fight.

Next is PeanutLabs. They are pretty reliable with payout. They also have the occasional survey to do, and videos that credit multiple times.
Videos aren't always there.

Next is Sponserpay. Also don't waste your time. I haven't gotten a single SB from them.

Swagbucks TV

SBTV is probably where you will do most of your earning.
You watch videos till the SB meter reaches 100% at which point you earn 3 SB's.
You don't have to watch the whole video, just until the SB meter advances by 10% then you click another video in the related
video section.
I usually mute the browser that I am using to watch SBTV and use another browser to do what ever else I want to do
checking SBTV every minute or so.
It doesn't matter if you click the same 2 videos over and over again it will still count.
I usually watch a movie and run SBTV in the background.

Tasks are a good way to earn but you have to pick the right ones.
Tasks that pay 8 or higher per completion are usually the easiest to complete and the most worth the trouble.
Tasks that pay less are mostly more work than they are worth.
Tasks don't pay out until you reach a total of 20 SB's or higher, there is a guage on the top left of the task page if you are doing a task that will tell you how much you have.
You can't guess it, you have to actually complete the task in full to get credit, if you get too much wrong they won't allow you to continue earning with that task.
Why they have you do it if they already know the answers is beyond me. Complete BS if you ask me. lol

Trade in
You can trade in books and electronics (Specific must work or be in good condition) for SB's.
Amount is based on item.
They provide free shipping so you can ship it to them.
Never did it myself.

Trusted Surveys
Check your surveys from time to time through out the day as they are the easiest way to earn large amounts of swagbucks.
First to qualify tell the truth unless you know it will get you disqualified from the survey.
When it asks you if you or any of your family work in specified selection of jobs, answer none of the above.
Answering anything different will get you DQ'ed.
No guarantee that you will qualify but that will up your chances.
If you randomly answer questions to get through the survey faster (Once you are in the actual survey)
at least skim read the answers because some of them may be traps for speed clickers.
Ex. For quality purposes choose number 6. (They do that. lol)

Swag Codes
From time to time but not every day they will release a code on one of their sights and if you enter it you get a set amount of SB's.
Ranging from 3- ? Highest I've seen is 10.
Here is a cheat site. They post swag codes when they are released and tell you when they expire.
Codes usually stay active for 2 hours from post time.
You can set the site to text you when codes are released.

Collector Bills

Collector bills show up every once in a great while (Every few months).
When they are out, you find them by searching and if you collect them all you get a SB bonus.

You can go to the swag store and find the item you want to earn the points for and put it in your wishlist.
Your wishlist will tell you how much you have left to earn before you can order it.
Once you order your paypal card it will show up in your gift card section.
At which point you will log into paypal and go here and enter the number to get the cash deposited into your paypal account.
Then you just go to Facebook and use paypal to buy credits.

And use the credits to buy you shiny.

Swago is kind of like bingo and you get a piece every time you buy an item in the swag store.
Not to sure how this works because I haven't used it yet but the way I understand it is for every 5 you place on the board you get 1000 SB's.

Birthday bucks
On your birthday they give you 50 SB's by email.
Click the link in the email to get your B-day bonus.
Hint: To get them sooner sign up with your birthday being tomorrow.

Swagbucks mail
Occasionally they will send offers to your SB mail, located on the top of the homepage bar, envelope icon.
For the one that pays you 3 to find out if a video on SBTV has an add or not, click the link then click the other button to answer "I didn't see an ad video" even if you did see one. It works every time.
The other answers don't always work even if you did it right.

Happy earning!

Have any questions just ask here!

From: http://undertakersfoforum.forumotion.com/t200-swagbucks-guide
By: Jaymond

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